Thursday 6 March 2014

Warm ups and Cool Downs effect on Vascular System

Explain the effects of a warm up on the vascular system.
 "A warm up means you won't pull a muscle as easily" - guaranteed Dobson will put this (don't be a mong!)

Warm up:
Vasoconstriction of arterioles/pre-capillary sphincters to non-essential organs and non-working muscles
Means more blood flow to working muscles
Vasodilation of arterioles/pre-capillary sphincters to working muscles
Means more blood flow to muscles that need it

Increased body/muscle temp:
 - increased enzyme activity/transport of ones required for energy systems and muscle contractions
- decreased blood viscosity, improves blood flow

Decrease in OBLA (onset of blood lactate accumulation) due to early onset of anaerobic work when a warm up isn't done

Cool Down:
Keeps metabolic activity elevated which gradually decreases HR and respiration - do it steady not suddenly basically
Maintains respiratory/muscle pumps - no more blood pooling! Maintains venous return
Maintains blood flow and BP
Keeps capillaries dilated, more lactic acid and C02 getting removed - no one likes lactic acid, get rid of it!

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