Monday 3 March 2014

UK Sport, National Institutes of Sport and Home Country Organisations

UK Sport:

All about sporting excellence - responsible for developing elite sport in the UK.
Funded by department for media, culture and sport. Received £53 million from government in 2006-7, will have increased a lot by now.

Distributes funding throughout the world class pathway programme, attracts major events, works with home country councils and NGB's.
Responsible for national institutes of sport.
Talented athlete Scholarship scheme

National Institutes of Sport:

A network of satellite centres giving practical support to the UK's top sportsmen and women.
One for each country in the UK
Sport science, sports medicine, physiotherapy, bio mechanics, nutritional advice, psychology, lifestyle advice

Home Country Organisations:

Sport England:
Responsible for community sport in the country, funded by government and national lottery.
Wants to get as many people active as it can
Ensure people stay in sport after leaving school
Promotes volunteering, coaching, leadership etc
Works closely with NGB's

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