Monday 3 March 2014

Funding - Private, Public, Voluntary

From - Taxes, national lottery, government, charges for facility use
To - Local authorities, awards/grants, Schools

From - business profit, ticket sales, sales (TV rights, Merchandise etc)
To - Sponsorship, Grants, private clubs

From - National lottery, awards, grants, fundraising, subscriptions from members
To - Facility building maintenance and development, coaching fees, running clubs.

Positives and Negatives:

Positives - money available for mass participation and excellence, clubs can be very wealthy, government putting more and more money into sport, can earn big through sport, many sources available for funding

Negatives - not evenly distributes throughout all sports, financial equality is non-existent, smaller clubs can go bankrupt, commercialism has a bigger role to play in British sport than other countries, NGB's need to be careful, very complex now

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