Thursday 6 March 2014

Heart Diseases

4 things you need to remember about:

Numero uno: Arteriosclerosis
Loss of elasticity or thickening/hardening of arteries
Less efficient at vasodilation/constriction
Vascular shunt mechanism then = less efficient

Numero dos: Atherosclerosis
High levels of cholesterol and fat deposits
these accumulate in arterial walls-narrowing of the "lumen"
increased likelihood of blood clots and restricts blood flow
BP is increased because of smaller room to flow through

Numero tres: Angina
Partial blockage of coronary artery
Causes intense chest pain - not enough 02/blood supply to heart muscle wall
athero/arteriosclerosis increases chance of this happening

Numero cuatro: Heart Attack
Severe/sudden lack of 02/blood supply to heart muscle wall
blood clots from larger coronary arteries
death of damaged area heart muscle wall
less efficient heart after

Lessen the risk!!

Less blood fibrinogen - reduces clotting and viscosity
Less blood lipids
Less LDL - deposited onto arterial walls
More HDL - act as scavengers for cholesterol
Lower BP - less hypertension, helps
Less obesity - don't get fat kids
Less stress - Watson will testify to this when Birdy gets his A

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