Tuesday 24 December 2013

Vascular Shunt Mechanism

Re-distribution of blood during exercise - from non essential organs and muscles to working muscles.

Arteries leading to non essential stuff constrict (vasoconstriction of pre capillary sphincters)
Arteries going to working muscles dilate ( vasodilation of pre capillary sphincters)


articular cartilage - wears away - inflammation of joint - swelling and pain

low intensity e.g. swimming
body sends blood to working muscles and joint - flush out bad stuff replenish what is needed

Muscle Fibre Types

Slow Oxidative :
Red, small, many mitochondria, low contractile speed and strength, low anaerobic resistance, high aerobic resistance

Fast Oxidative:
pink, medium, many mitochondria, fast and high contractile speed and strength, low aerobic, high anaerobic

Fast Glycolitic:
white, big, few mitochondria, fast and high contractile speed and strength, low aerobic, high anaerobic

Muscular Contraction

Eccentric - muscle shortens in length when contracting e.g. upward phase of bicep curl
Concentric - muscle lengthens when contracting e.g. downward phase of bicep curl

Muscle length stays same when contracting e.g. a rugby scrum


Two or more bones meeting at a point

Connected by ligaments

Origin and insertion of muscle - cause muscle to move joints, agonist and antagonist

Different movements e.g. dorsi + plantar flexion, abduction and adduction

Synovial joints - freely movable
Ball and socket - shoulder, head of humerus and clavicle
Hinge - knee, femur and tibia


Response and Reaction Time

mental rehearsal

stimulus/response capability
cue detection
selective attention
warmed up

RT + MT = resp time

Factors affecting reaction time:
limb used
body temp
sense used
warning given
stimulus intensity
likelihood of stimulus occurring


Short Term Memory Store:

receives info from display
lasts for less than a second
unimportant info lost
relevant info let through

Long Term Memory Store:

disregards irrelevant info
prevents overload of IPS
filters relevant info passing onto short term memory

Welfords Model - Information processing diagram


Stages of Learning

Cognitive - Beginner, lack of fluency, have to think about it, disjointed

Associative - practice is key, more fluent, motor programme starting to be formed

Automotive - little conscious thought, fluent, mastered skill, perfecting little bits

Tuesday 17 September 2013

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5DdyPTgJrk- even better than the other ice hockey shot.

Monday 9 September 2013

I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. –Michael Jordan