Monday 6 January 2014

Amateur -> professional approach to sport

Only people with enough money to not work could play games well - had the time
Poor people couldn't play
If a working class man was good enough he could be paid to play so they had the time

These people looked down upon by "gentleman amateurs"

Mass Participation:
government wants more people playing sport
70% by 2020

Sporting Excellence:
Want to win medals
Time and effort needs to be put in
Sportsmen/women need to get paid and have the time to train
Up in the medal tables for the Olympics

UK Sport responsible
planning, policy, increasingly professional approach to sport
More national governing bodies
Department for Culture, Media and Sport

Politicians shown greater interest in sport now, vote catcher
Given funding

19th century schools

How did they promote sport?
Lots of money - could afford the facilities needed
Large grounds - had the space needed
professional coaches acquired
Boys had lots of free time
House system - competitions, still remains today

character building, teamwork, leadership
took passion for games with them when left school
Spread across the british empire

Busy at home as well
became influential members of communities
influenced people about sport

Set up large amounts of governing bodies


Young/new nation
Sparsely populated - 21 million people
Immigration and colonial influence

1770 - Captain Cook first landed
Followed by English convicts and European immigrants
Chinese for the gold rush
People looking for a better life

Sport is a national obsession and passion
90% of Australia participate in sport

Why do they love sport so much?
Bush Culture - Manliness, strength
Australia's climate is good for it
Outdoor life is the norm
Pushed by politicians
Tradition of success
Sport is fashionable
Healthy Economy
Sport has a high status in schools- pathway programmes

Aussie Rules:

Played on large cricket ovals
22 players per side
Either a mixture of aboriginal leaping game and what Tom Wills saw in english public school
Or mixture of rugby and gaelic football
Tom Wills made it for cricketers in the winter
Fourth most played team sport in Australia

Factors shaping development:

Australians travelling abroad have taken the game with them
Festival/ exhibition matches held
Players converted from other sports to get in on the money/ fame that comes with it
Extensive pathway programmes for the game in schools
Appeals to all -can be played by all ages, super rules - limits physical contact

Highest attended spectator sport
Interest in game
Multi million dollar business
Media promotion
Financial backing from businesses, sponsorships, ads etc


Young/New country
Large Country - 300 million population

Win Ethic -Lombardianism "winning isn't everything its the only thing"

Sport = money, sport is driven by commercialism
Private and corporate businesses use sport
School sport can attract big sponsorships
College players receive top coaching
Best college players drafted into pro sport
TV and advertising - fund sport, influence the games ie when the teams have to play

Rags to riches - achieving the american dream can be done through sport

American Football:

Originally "gridiron"
Tactical, violent, physical
"Frontier Spirit" needed - courage, endeavour, determination
Developed in Ivy League colleges
Some universities banned the game - too violent
Serious injuries and even deaths not uncommon in early 1900's
No protective clothing really
President intervened to clean up the game
Game progressively developed

With commercialism:
Multi billion dollar business
Teams either privately owned or run as public companies
Competition for TV rights

Super Bowl:

Championship game of the NFL
30 second ad costs $2.6 million
businesses take advantage of huge amount of viewers